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- nawalkishor.verma11@gmail.com
- +91 9312697100
Nawal Kishor Verma
Experience & Activities
a dedicated professional who has actively contributed to the field of environmental management through my involvement in various committees and expert groups. Here is a summary of my experience and roles:
a) As a member of various Technical Expert Committees of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), I have played a crucial role in important initiatives. Some of my notable contributions include:
- Preparation of the National Remediation Plan for contaminated sites in India. I have been involved in formulating strategies and action plans to address environmental contamination, ensuring the restoration and remediation of affected sites across the country.
- Active participation in research and development projects initiated by the CPCB. This involvement has allowed me to contribute my expertise and insights to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of environmental management.
b) Additionally, I have served as a member of the Technical Review Committee (TRC) on Hazardous Waste Management and amendment to regulations under the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change. In this capacity, I have made significant contributions to the development and refinement of regulations pertaining to hazardous waste management.
Within the TRC, my responsibilities have included reviewing existing regulations, proposing amendments, and providing technical expertise to ensure the effective management and safe disposal of hazardous waste in line with environmental standards and best practices.
Overall, my involvement in these committees and expert groups showcases my commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. Through my contributions to the formulation of national plans, research projects, and regulatory improvements, I have played an active role in shaping environmental policies and practices in India.
• B.E. (civil) in 1971 from Jivaji university, Gwalior, India
• M.E. (civil) in 1974 from University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India
• Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science and Technology in 1981 from IHE,
Delft (The Netherlands)
i. Worked as Research Fellow and Scientist in Central Building Research
Institute, Roorkee, India, during 1974 to 1977.
▪ R&D work related to water supply and drainage in buildings.
▪ American funded PL-480 research project on drainage in multi-storied
ii. Worked in various positions (last ten years as Additional Director) in Central
Pollution Control Board during 1977 to 2006 dealing with:
▪ Enforcement of regulations on air and water pollution control.
▪ Development of National effluent and emission standards and implementation
thereof for various industrial sectors, viz: Iron and steel, pulp & paper, textile,
fertilizer, distillery, sugar, petroleum refinery, petrochemicals, pesticides,
drugs and pharmaceuticals, dye & dye intermediates, slaughter house,
tanneries, etc. Prepared guidelines to develop location specific standards,
under World Bank funded project.
▪ Preparation of documents on Environmental Auditing in various industrial
sectors (textile, tannery, pulp & paper, sugar, distillery, thermal power plant,
cement, fertilizer, dye & dye intermediates and pesticides). Conducted
training programmes on environmental audit, sector-wise, for industries.
▪ Preparation of document on Chemical Profile in India during the years 2005-
06 with focal theme to regulate chemicals in terms of risk reduction.
▪ Involved in project to prepare document on MSDS for 708 chemicals.
▪ Involved in studies on unintentionally formed “POPS” during production of
CPC Blue (dye intermediate) & Triclosan with technical support of German
International Co-operation (GTZ).
▪ Hazardous Waste Management: Development of guidelines for hazardous
waste management facilities (landfill & incinerator), with technical support
from GTZ.
▪ Preparation of documents on characterization of wastes, their minimalization
and disposal options for industrial sectors (petrochemicals, pesticides, drugs
& pharmaceuticals and dye & dye intermediates).
▪ Preparation of district wise Zoning Atlas for various States in the
country for setting up of industries, with technical support from GTZ.
▪ Preparation of documents on setting up of industrial estates, with
technical support from GTZ.
▪ Organised training programmes related to industrial planning.
▪ Performance evaluation of common effluent treatment plants in Industrial
estates and to deal with problems for achieving the standards.
▪ Coordination of the project on inventory of plastic wastes in 3 cities (viz.
Kolkata, Mumbai & Delhi) for making recommendations for management of
plastic wastes in the country, being Divisional Head at CPCB.
iii. Worked as Chief Executive Officer with an environmental consultancy firm: M/S
UPL Environmental Engineers Ltd, Vadodara (Gujarat), India during 2007 to 2011
▪ Involved in operation of effluent treatment plant for textile industry in
▪ Preparation of report on strengthening of Goa State Pollution Control Board
as well as their laboratory, sponsored by Central Pollution Control Board,
▪ Involved in training programme on inspection of industries, organized by Goa
State Pollution Control Board.
▪ Consultancy projects of Central & State Pollution Control Boards – related to
hazardous waste management.
▪ Consultancy projects on hazardous waste management in steel sector.
▪ Consultant to Asian Development Bank to review Hazardous Waste
Management regulations in India under RETA program for group of South
Asian Countries (Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India).
▪ Prepared training module on inventorization of hazardous waste and
conducted training programme on inventorization of hazardous waste for
various State Pollution Control Boards, based on training module (year 2009)
under ADB programme.
▪ Series of workshops conducted on recycling of hazardous waste at different
locations in the country (year 2008-09) under ADB programme.
▪ Preparation of detailed project report on design of CETPs for
heterogeneous industries and effluent collection system for Baddi and
Barotiwala industrial area in State of Himachal Pradesh, India. The
project has been commissioned.
iv. As consultant:
▪ Worked as consultant to GIZ during 2011 to 2013 for planning of
Common Effluent Treatment Plants in State of Andhra Pradesh.
Preparation of reference documents on textile industry, pulp & paper industry
and the review work done for CETPs during November 2014 to January 2015.
▪ Auditing of facilities of common effluent treatment and hazardous waste
management for the purpose of proper functioning and improvement
▪ Development of effluent treatment scheme for industrial cluster of drugs
and pharmaceuticals units in State of Punjab.
▪ Associated with the project on review of water quality criteria/ standards for
lakes, river and sea waters, under World Bank funded project of Central
Pollution Control Board.